Handouts and interactive exercises: Shopping and services

It's shopping time!

When you travel to another country, you definitely go around some shops and use English to communicate. I've prepared some useful links for developing communication skills in shops and when looking for some services:

https://www.esolcourses.com/content/lifeintheuk/shopping/london-shopping-quiz.html - video and some comprehension tasks for intermediate level students about Westfield Shopping centre in London
https://www.esolcourses.com/content/topics/christmas-markets/germany/german-christmas-markets-video-quiz.html - Discover German Christmas Markets woth video and some comprehension tasks.
https://www.teach-this.com/images/resources/containers.pdf - Do you know all the types of containers? After completing this worksheet, you'll know.
https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20445068/topic-shopping-and-services-exercise.html - lesson plan on shopping and services upper-intermediate

Картинки по запросу interactive exercises on topic shopping and services
