10 useful links for students

Dear students!
It's high time to imporve your English knowledge! I would like to suggest you some useful links for this:

https://lingualeo.com/ru - here you can improve your grammar and vocabulary
https://www.futurelearn.com/ - page where you can sign up to a lot of free courses in any sphere you wish
https://www.elevateapp.com/ - this is an application for your phine or tablet, which help to improve your brain capacity. There are everyday sessions available
https://prezi.com/ - make your project presentation unique with this online presentation tool
https://www.audible.com/ - if you are too tired to read a book for your class, then just listen to it
https://quizlet.com/ru - create your own flashcards or choose the available sets for easier learning
https://www.real-english.com/ - video library of native speakers' conversations
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/ - no words needed... visit and you'll see how fascinating it is
https://www.thesaurus.com/ - English-English disctionary with syninyms and antonyms
http://www.idiomsite.com/ - enrich your vocabulary and writing with some idioms and sound like a native speaker

Картинки по запросу useful links for learning english
