Handouts and interactive exercises: Travelling and tourism

Have you ever been to...?

Today I shall provide some worksheets and useful resources for teaching and learning about travelling and tourism. Let's get started!

https://tefltastic.wordpress.com/worksheets/exams/cambridge-exams/fce/objective-1st/brainstorm-travel-vocab/ - brainstorming vocabulary about types of holidays, accomodations and so on. It can be adapted for different age groups as learners will brainstorm what they now
https://www.usingenglish.com/files/pdf/opinions-on-travel-vocabulary-with-collocations.pdf - travelling collocations. It is sometimes more useful to learn set phrases, collocations, rather than words separately
https://tefltastic.wordpress.com/worksheets/functions/dis-advantages/holidays-dis-advantages/ - Advantages and disadvantages. Teens will be eager to discuss!
https://tefltastic.wordpress.com/worksheets/travel-abroad-tourism/accomodation-rules/ - Get to know accomodation rules and revise modal verbs!

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