"I don't have faith in schools"- Prince Ea

Prince Ea is a famous figure, especially on Facebook. He films videos and writes articles about school and education.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suitRecently, I have watched his speech about school reality. He claims that school is turning millions of students into robots and can make them think they are stupid and useless. Moreover, he says that school "kills creativity, individuality and is intellectually abusive". Schools haven't change a lot compared to 150 years ago. But, our world has changed. Schools must prepare students for the future, not past. We cant's treat each student in the same way, because all of them are personalities, but the system doesn't give us options or rights. However, as we can "customize" all aspects of our life, we have to "customize" schools as well! "Upgrade, change, develop school spirit, collaboration, instead of competition" - Prince Ea suggests these key points are important in new school.

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